Interessante Links im Bereich Streichinstrumente
Instrumente & Zubehör
Warchal Strings
www.warchal.comThe newest violin strings on the international market, developed after exhaustive research by two generations of violinists connected with the world-famous Slovak Chamber Orchestra.
Zaret & Sons Violins
www.zaretandsonsviolins.comAmerican violin shop offering the remarkable bass bar that improves and enhances string tone for violins, violas, violoncelli and double basses.
The Luthier’s Library
www.theluthierslibrary.comWeb based library of bowed string instruments, with biographies, detailed dimensions of historic instruments, etc.
Unterricht & Wettbewerb
Blue Danube Musikimpresario GmbH
www.musikimpresario.comCompany specializing in production of conducting masterclasses, opera conducting competitions and other professional development activities for classical artists involved with symphony orchestras and the world of opera.
VENIA Audition Academy and Promotion
Magazine für Streichinstrumente
The Strad Magazine
www.thestrad.comMagazine for string instruments.
The String Magazine
www.stringmagazine.comMagazine for string instruments.
Opera Now Magazine most influential opera magazine in the world.
Musik and Vision Magazine
www.mydaily.comThe world’s first daily classical music magazine.
und …
Musikhaus Doblinger
One of the most extensive music publishing houses, with more than 20.000 titles containing an enormous spectrum of music from the past till today.
Turtle Island String Quartet
The Turtle Island String Quartet is one of the world’s leading string quartets specializing in contemporary music and the melding of musical styles.
Steven Scardina Photography
Brilliant black-and-white photographs of Central and Eastern Europe.