Entries by bluedan

How to choose the right violin

When Buying a Stringed Instrument for a Beginner or in a Lower Price Range Be Sure the Size is Right — For children it’s especially important the instrument size be proportional. This is best determined by an experienced sales person at a shop that deals with violin-family instruments (violin, viola, cello or double bass) or […]

Transylvania, Romania and Violin-Making

As a violin player I’ve always had the desire to understand the way violins work. Why some sound better than others? Why are they so diverse in their aspects? These and many other questions were answered to me during the fantastic training that I had the opportunity to undertake in Reghin, Romania, the heart of […]

Violins hold within them their own message

A violin business is no ordinary business. Impossible to put in a few paragraphs the complexities of such a ‘world’, because it is more than a business, it is a Universe in itself. Each sale has its own complexities and each violin has its own history and its own mystery, its own destiny and its […]